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3 Common Dental Disorders and Natural Ways to Prevent Them

· Dentist Wagga Wagga

None can deny the significance of maintaining proper oral hygiene. According to latest research, besides offering shiny pearly whites, which successfully rejuvenates outer appearance, brushing, flossing, and regularly rinsing also keeps diverse health conditions at bay. Well, in the following write-up, I have chalked down names of three common dental disorders along with natural tactics to treat them.

  1. Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is quite embarrassing, and in certain cases may lead to anxiety. No wonder that nearly every store overflows with mouthwashes, chewing gums, and other products designed for fighting it.

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A highly reputed dentist Wagga Wagga has held tobacco, food particles, sinus, lack of saliva production, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) responsible. Many things present right in our home can neutralise bad breath. Major ones among the lot include:




  • Cloves possess antibacterial properties, which kills odour causing germs, and freshens the mouth. You can either chew them raw or gargle with ground cloves mixed in warm water.
  • Parsley has chlorophyll that can help you get rid of bad breath permanently. Dip these leaves in vinegar overnight, and then chew them every morning.
  • Apple cider vinegar can stabilise pH levels inside the mouth, hence, believed to be an excellent remedy for bad breath.
  • Finally, yet importantly, drinking substantial amounts of water throughout the day also helps.
  1. Plaque

Plaque could be loosely defined as a sticky film that accumulates on teeth and contains millions of harmful microorganisms. If not removed right away, they can erode enamel, form cavities, and in some more severe cases damage the bone ultimately causing tooth loss. A dental professional uses special tools to scrape off plaque, but people have admitted trying out few home remedies. Check them out now.

  • Oil pulling has been around since time immemorial. Swishing mouth with coconut oil for at least twenty minutes every day will surely pull plaque out.
  • Although Aloe Vera has been used primarily to cure skin imperfections, it can kill bacteria contributing to plaque formation. All you need to do is rub the gel on teeth and gums.
  • White vinegar is not ideal for salad dressings anymore. It protects enamel or outer surface of the teeth and fights plaque build-up to a great extent.
  • Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables like strawberries, apples, carrots, celery sticks, peppers, etc. can also let you get rid of plaque.
  1. Gum Inflammation

When people do not pay attention to their dental health, bacteria gains access to their mouth, causing gums to become inflamed and bleed. Also called gingivitis, such a condition does require immediate medical assistance, but you can still opt for some home remedies, which have proven to soothe pain to a great extent.

  • Top-notch dentist Wagga Wagga has emphasised on the importance of saltwater rinse. Salt is known for preventing bacterial growth, hence, reducing swelling.
  • Compresses can lessen pain. Dip a clean cloth into hot water, and gently press it on the area where you feel discomfort. You can also apply an icepack.
  • Hibiscus tea, green tea, and black tea contain astringent tannis that can absorb anything irritating the gums.
  • Rubbing a paste of ginger and salt directly on gums can cut back on inflammation. Add a dash of turmeric extract for better result.


Even though all-natural tactics stated above are quite effective, if they, unfortunately, fail to generate a desirable outcome, please consider scheduling appointment with a proficient, experienced, and credible dentist right away. He or she would prescribe medication or carry out implantation, extraction, restoration, etc., thus, provide relief as soon as possible. Remember neglecting dental disorders can pave the way for irreversible consequences.